Passion and Performance

Passion and Performance

Click on any tile and discover how UpThink can maximize your career performance.

Passion Driven Productivity

Passion Fuels High Performance

Passion is the single most powerful competitive advantage an organization can claim in building its success.”
– Richard Y. Chang, The Passion Plan at Work

UpThink Services Include:

Taking Your Passion Pulse

Creating Your Passion Driven Career

Sustaining Your Passion Driven Career

The Art of Change Management

The Key Factors of Successful Change Management: Drive, Collaboration and Resilience

Change Management Training Includes:

Activate your DRIVE

Tap into your RESILIENCE


Meeting Optimization

Creativity Fuels Productive Meetings

Companies that embrace creativity outperform peers and competitors
on revenue growth, market share and talent acquisition, according to a recent study by Adobe. "Creativity is good business and ultimately drives productivity and efficiency."

Creative meetings help motivate contributors and drive innovation. To that end, developing a Creative Meeting Culture is essential for business and career success.

Services Include: