Engagement and Productivity

Engagement and Productivity

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High Performance Presentations

Innovative Techniques To Pitch, Persuade and Inform

Are people captivated when you speak? Can you command a room? Do people buy what you're selling? 

At UpThink, we teach master presentation skills. We help build on strengths and overcome obstacles.  We offer innovative tools for content development and delivery; story line composition, improvisation techniques, feedback loops, dynamic rehearsal exercises.

Ready, set, let's do this!

Services Include:


Communication Skills For Career Success

Effective Communication Boosts Productivity

At UpThink, our Communication Mastery Program takes you way out of the box. For starters, we're not focused on your words. Because most communication is not about the words. It's how they are said, the meta message beneath them and what is not being said at all.

Whether your focus is leaders, teams, or the organization as a whole, mastering the art of communication is essential for business success.

Communication Mastery Program Includes:

Improv for Business

Innovation, Collaboration and Spontaneity

“Improv training is great business training”
– Forbes

Improv training is a saavy business strategy for increasing productivity and performance. Improvisation quickens the brain's creative process and enhances decision making. Confidence builds as ideas flow and designs take shape. The collaborative nature of Improv creates an "energy of agreement" and a fascination for what comes next.

With evidence based techniques, Improv breathes new life into key elements of any business: Team Cohesion, Leadership Preparedness, Presentation Mastery, Productivity and Innovation. Improvisation stands alone in its unique business benefits.

Let UpThink create an Improv Training to meet your specific organizational needs and...Become the Star of Your Own Show!    

Improv Training Promotes:

Mastering Conflict Resolution

Increasing Productivity Through Conflict Resolution

Understanding the cause of a conflict is the first step in resolving it. Most conflict stems from three sources: Control, Blame and Passion.

CONTROL:  When contributors feel a lack control within their job or feel controlled by others at work, brain functioning decreases, thereby lowering productivity.

BLAME:  Within conflict is blame, whether overt or covert. Resolving conflict takes personal responsibility and compromise.

PASSION:  Conflict stems from passionate, competing ideas. The key is turning passion-driven conflict into innovation.

At UpThink, we believe that all conflict can be resolved AND used for a greater purpose.

Conflict Resolution Training Includes: